Il portale è iscritto nel Registro dei Gestori delle Vendite Telematiche con PDG 3 del 04/08/2017 - Modello di Org., Gestione e Controllo ai sensi del D.lgs 231/01 & Codice Etico

Indisponibilità Portale delle Vendite Pubbliche: dalle ore 18:00 del 05 luglio 2024 alle ore 19:00 del 07 luglio 2024

The society

Edicom Finance is a company of the Edicom Group (Business Network), founded in 2010 which started its business by operating as a commission agent, guaranteeing the competitiveness of settlement operations within the national and international unitary telematic market for judicial sales and proposing itself as a subject specialized in the development of applications dedicated to judicial administration.

Following the introduction of Law 24/2010, Edicom Finance has implemented its support services for the telematic sale of goods deriving from: executive and insolvency procedures and judicial seizures; ensuring maximum security in data processing in compliance with ministerial regulations.

The technical staff of the company has taken steps to align and increase its systems in compliance with current legislation and in compliance with strict safety parameters in order to make its systems already extensively tested and tested more reliable, and at the same time guarantee maximum visibility. of published auctions.

The legal competence, combined with the experience in procedural practices and in the commercial field, satisfy the need of the judicial authority and the auxiliary of the Judges, to entrust to a legal entity, such as Edicom Finance, in possession of the aforementioned requirements, the assignment to carry out online sales in order to obtain positive results in terms of revenues, in compliance with the utmost procedural transparency.

Adjustment with the provisions of the Ministerial regulations

As required by Decree 32/2015 "Regulation containing the technical and operational rules for carrying out the sale of movable and immovable property with telematic methods in the cases provided for by the code of civil procedure, pursuant to article 161-ter of the provisions for 'implementation of the code of civil procedure ”, Edicom Finance is in possession of the technical, equity and integrity requirements, necessary for registration in the register of the telematic sales managers that will be established at the DGSIA. In particular, Edicom Finance has already carried out the following obligations:

  • Activation of a 3 million euro policy for the financial consequences deriving from the performance of the telematic sales management service, necessary to operate in all the districts of the Court of Appeal;
  • Adoption of an operational manual of the services;
  • Adoption of a security plan which describes all the measures and precautions adopted by the manager to ensure the protection of personal data processed through the portal and the security of operations, their integrity, and the availability of services; the plan includes measures for periodic data backup and their recovery in case of damage or loss of data and systems (disaster recovery);
  • Compliance of the portal with the technical requirements referred to in articles 10 and 11 of the law 9 January 2004, n. 4 and the decree of 8 July 2005 of the Minister for innovation and technology, published in the Official Gazette of 8 August 2005, no. 183, as well as the decree of the President of the Republic of 1 March 2005, n. 75.