Il portale è iscritto nel Registro dei Gestori delle Vendite Telematiche con PDG 3 del 04/08/2017 - Modello di Org., Gestione e Controllo ai sensi del D.lgs 231/01 & Codice Etico

Timeshare property shares.
Court of Cosenza, proc 54/2015, Lotto Unico
Id that: 509471
Id that: 509471
Base price

€ 25.044,13

This time
12/07/2024 12:00
House of civil type
Methods of sale


Begins the 12/07/2024 12:00

€ 25.044,13

Base price

SINGLE LOT Ownership shares of furnished, timeshare properties, to which the shift enjoyment corresponds, belonging to the "Villa Ridente Club" Real Estate Complex, located in the Municipality of Gioiosa Marea (ME), at the La Ridente location, and specified below: Week n.24, share of 33/1000, on the real estate unit distinct with interior 1 , consisting of two rooms and services on the ground floor with exclusive annexed courtyards in front and behind, bordering with common entrance, units and courtyard nr. 2, access road to the unit n. 8, with another small road and common courtyard. In the Building Cadastre of the Municipality of Gioiosa Marea (ME) at fg. 4, p.lla 87 sub 1, Contrada Fetente, pT, int. 1, cat. A / 2, cl. 5, rooms 2.5, RC € 52.94. Estimated price: € 6,000.00. Weeks n. 28, 29 and 30, share equal to a total of 168/1000, or 55/1000 per week 28, 55/1000 per week 29 and 58/1000 on the separate real estate unit with interior 2 , consisting of two rooms and services to ground floor with annexed exclusive courtyards in front and behind, bordering units and courtyards nos. 1, 8 and 3, and with a small road. In the Building Cadastre of the Municipality of Gioiosa Marea (ME) at fg. 4, p.lla 87 sub 2, Contrada Fetente, pT - 1, cat. A / 2, cl. 5, rooms 2.5, RC € 52.94. Estimated price: € 31,850.00. Week no. 25, quota equal to 40/1000 and week n.26, quota equal to 49/1000, overall 89/1000, on the separate real estate unit with interior 9 , consisting of two rooms and services on the ground floor with adjoining courtyard of exclusive relevance, bordering on real estate unit n.6, with common courtyard and embankment. In the Building Cadastre of the Municipality of Gioiosa Marea (ME) at fg. 4, p.lla 87 sub 7, Contrada Fetente, pT, int. 9, cat. A / 2, cl. 5, rooms 2.5, RC € 52.94. Estimated price: € 11,550.00. Week no. 34, quota equal to 50/1000 and week n. 35, share equal to 44/1000 on the real estate unit distinct with interior 15 , consisting of two rooms and services on the ground floor with courtyard, bordering the courtyard area, embankment, interior 14. In the Building Cadastre of the Municipality of Gioiosa Marea (ME) on fg. 4, p.lla 87 sub 7, Contrada Fetente, p.1., Int. 15, cat. A / 2, cl. 5, rooms 2.5, RC € 52.94. Estimated price: 11,700.00. Week no. 25, quota equal to 40/1000, week n. 27, share of 53/1000 and week n. 29, share equal to 55/1000, and therefore for a total of 148/1000 on the separate real estate unit with interior 23 , consisting of two rooms and services on the second floor with a terrace of relevance in common with the real estate units nnr. 24, 25,26 and 27, bordering on real estate unit n.24, access corridor and condominium area on two sides, while the common terrace borders on unit n. 27, area overlooking the SS 113 and area on courtyards of the real estate units on the ground floor. In the Building Cadastre of the Municipality of Gioiosa Marea (ME) at fg. 4, p.lla 87 sub 29, Contrada Fetente, p.2., Int.23, cat. A / 2, cl. 5, rooms 3, RC € 63.52 and p.lla 87 sub 24 (terrace) without further data. Estimated price: € 25,300.00. Week no. 26, 49/1000 share on the real estate unit with interior 25 , consisting of two rooms and services on the second floor with a terrace in common with the real estate units nos. 23, 24.25 and 26, bordering on real estate unit n.26, access corridor and area overlooking the SS 113 and common terrace, while the common terrace adjoins unit n. 27, area overlooking the SS 113 and area on the courtyards of the two real estate units on the ground floor. In the Building Cadastre of the Municipality of Gioiosa Marea (ME) on fg. 4, p.lla 87 sub 25, Contrada Fetente, p.2., Int.27, cat. A / 2, cl. 5, rooms 3, RC € 63.52 and p.lla 87 sub 24 (terrace) without further data. Estimated price: € 5,250.00. Week no. 34, share equal to 50/1000 on the real estate unit distinct with the interior 26 , consisting of two rooms and services on the second floor with a terrace of relevance in common with the real estate units nos. 23, 24.25 and 27, bordering real estate units n.25 and n.27, access corridor and area overlooking the SS 113, while the common terrace borders units n. 27, area overlooking the SS 113 and area on the courtyards of the two real estate units on the ground floor. In the Building Cadastre of the Municipality of Gioiosa Marea (ME) on fg. 4, p.lla 87 sub 26, Contrada Fetente, p.2., Int.26, cat. A / 2, cl. 5, rooms 3, RC € 63.52 and p.lla 87 sub 24 (terrace) without further data. Estimated price: € 7,300.00. Week no. 26, 49/1000 share on the real estate unit distinct with the interior 27 , consisting of two rooms and services on the second floor with a terrace in common with the real estate units nos. 23, 24.25 and 26, bordering on real estate unit n.26, access corridor and area overlooking the SS 113 and common terrace, while the common terrace adjoins unit n. 27, area overlooking the SS 113 and area on the courtyards of the two real estate units on the ground floor. In the Building Cadastre of the Municipality of Gioiosa Marea (ME) on fg. 4, p.lla 87 sub 25, Contrada Fetente, p.2., Int.27, cat. A / 2, cl. 5, rooms 3, RC € 63.52 and p.lla 87 sub 24 (terrace) without further data. Estimated price: € 6,700.00. It should be noted that this data is not shown in the estimate report by Eng. Coschignano, which on some of the shares of the properties are registered n. 2 judicial mortgages and transcribed deed of attachment. The mortgaged real estate, which affects the sale in the competition, are located in the Municipality of Gioiosa Marea (ME) and registered in the Land Registry of the same Municipality as follows: Sheet 4, particle 87, sub 1, cat A / 2, at the rate of 33/1000; Sheet 4, particle 87, sub 2, cat A / 2, at the rate of 168/1000; Sheet 4, particle 87, sub 9, cat. A / 2, at the rate of 44/1000; Sheet 4, particle 87, sub 25, cat A / 2, at the rate of 49/1000; Sheet 4, particle 87, sub 26, cat A / 2, at the rate of 50/1000; Sheet 4, particle 87, sub 27, cat A / 4, at the rate of 49/1000. The two judicial mortgages are indicated below: Judicial mortgage of € 40,000.00 deriving from an injunction issued by the Court of Enna on February 20, 2014, registered at the Conservatory of the RRII of Messina on February 24, 2014 under nos. 4017/341, in favor of mr. Den Dekker Dionysius against Dega Tour & Partners Srl; Judicial mortgage of € 30,000.00, deriving from an injunction issued by the Court of Enna on February 25, 2014, registered at the Conservatory of the RRII of Messina on May 13, 2014 under nos. 10398/903 in favor of Bonasera Edoardo against Dega Tour & Partners Srl. The attachment was transcribed at the Messina Conservatory on March 19, 2015 under nos. 6328/4718, rep. N.1, issued by the Bailiff of Patti (ME) on 22 January 2015 in favor of Den Dekker Dionysius against Dega Tour & Partners Srl Competitive online sale on the portals and - Edicom Group

Gioiosa Marea
Località Ridente
Vedasi Perizia
Law type
Quota indivisa
Dati catastali
Sezione Foglio Particella Subparticella Subalterno Subalterno2 Graffato
4 87 1-2-7-24-25-26-29
Race information
Base price
€ 25.044,13
Minimum offer
€ 18.783,10
10% of the price offered
3 minutes
Codes that
Minimum relaunch
€ 1.000,00
Card Published the
31/05/2024 09:35
Race registration
24/06/2024 12:00
Race start
12/07/2024 12:00
Race term
22/07/2024 12:00
Bank transfer and presentation of offers within
19/07/2024 12:00
Following term.
Price balance term
Procedure data
Procedure no
Procedura Fallimentare
Lotto No.
Lotto Unico
Soggetto specializzato alla vendita
Edicom Servizi Srl
Antonietta De vuono
Francesca Familiari
Per essere ammesso alla vendita, ciascun offerente deve comprovare l’avvenuto versamento di una cauzione provvisoria a garanzia dell’offerta pari al 10% del prezzo offerto. Il versamento della cauzione dovrà essere effettuato tramite bonifico bancario (se previsto, a mezzo carta di credito secondo le indicazioni riportate a sul portale) sul conto corrente intestato a: EDICOM SERVIZI SRL IBAN IT90E0326804607052737800862 – Banca Sella Spa; Il bonifico dovrà contenere nella causale: RF ___ Lotto___ Tribunale ______ e quanto indicato nel portale (id asta). L’accredito, nel conto indicato, dovrà avvenire entro le ore 12:00 del primo giorno feriale antecedente a quello del termine della gara. In seguito, accedendo all'asta dal sito precedentemente indicato, tramite l'apposita funzione "Fai un'offerta", sarà necessario procedere all'inserimento dei dati richiesti negli appositi campi, riguardanti il bonifico effettuato, entro i termini indicati per l’accredito, pena l'esclusione alla partecipazione alla gara
SALDO: Il pagamento del saldo di aggiudicazione dovrà essere effettuato dal vincitore a termine della gara sul conto corrente indicato in avviso di vendita o dal curatore, e comunque entro e non oltre il termine indicato in avviso di vendita o sulla scheda dell'asta. COMPENSI: La vendita potrà dirsi perfezionata solo quando anche i compensi del Commissionario, come descritti in avviso di...
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Points of interest
    Base price

    € 25.044,13

    This time
    12/07/2024 12:00
    House of civil type
    Methods of sale
    Sales assistance
    Operators are online from Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 18:30, on Friday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 17:00 or forward an e-email all address: